January 29, 2013


A rather juvenile tribute poem for my close friend, Mariz "Chubby Cheeks, Beer Belly" Ortega.

She's such a wonder

Just like a flower

She knows how to bloom

To feel 'sexy and free'
I thought she was perfect

But didn't have it in her

To feel grand with all she haS

The earth still has her feet

Whenever I reach out

That quirky face she does

Makes me feel stinky

As if she was so pure

The building blocks stand well

No wonder I can tell

Everything I need to

Assured she'll keep mum

I paint her emotionless

She told me she'd stand the test

That I was the best treasure

She can keep despite distance

We are very different

But never do we feel that

Meeting halfway's natural

No statement is critical

The end hurt us today

Tears we did wipe away

Evidence of moments that count

Inside our forgetful minds

The conversation while walking

Down fourteen sets of stairs

Highlight the first of more to come

The habitat of real hellos

It's time to go

And leave this shelter

The one where we've

Been gently looked after

We are the blessed

You are my sweet crunch

The overhaul

Of my quick downfall