January 16, 2013

Clearance from the Unknown

Trying to see the light of day beyond the ability of fear and confusion to drown it.

It's been so long
Since I last felt home
Now, I'm asking
If it's worth it
Caught off guard now
Realizing my stand
In this damned island
I keep fighting

But do I really
Experience fulfillment
Or am I just masking
The cold hole inside

Writing from a box
Cornered and wrapped
Speaking in behalf
Of fairy tales and lies

These questions don't leave me
They float repeatedly
With all that I've said
I know I'm still unripe

The tide away from all
Has taught me not to dwell
On vague visions alone
With time, I should have grown

All I'm holding onto
Could easily fall apart
Security is not constant
As life is a surprise

It's the blanket of terror
Opposing majesty
So, how then can one deal
What then can silence fear

Cherish the simple joys
Those that come effortless
Shun away the obvious
Consisting of pure letdowns

Search for your own timing
Don't get tired of giving
Turn the lights off sometimes
And hold your perfect ally