"Necessary Endings and New Beginnings"
This is the January Theme of my CBTL planner, and it is so appropriate in my life right now. January always brings this fresh feeling of hope and inspiration, but this year, I feel there is more--so much more.
There are more improvements that need to be started. There are more challenges that need to be took. There are more blessings that need to be appreciated. There are more lessons that need to be learned passionately. There are more dreams that need to be reached. That only means one thing--I will be the best Kevin yet this 2014.
Words are the very life of me, I always say. These words I write on a daily basis now is my driving force. When your heart is just so full, you can't help but let it all out. Just like the tears or the laughters I produce whenever writing. These are emotions put into words and immortalized. This is my source of joy, pride, and fulfillment. Now is the time to strengthen them by putting actions behind them.
I am ready and I will conquer. I know every challenge ahead I'm about to face is only there to make me be the best version of myself. There's no other purpose behind them. Yes, I cry, and that is good. It means I'm ready for change and I'm ready to fight.
There's no better way to kickstart this new beginning by joining this project, "My 500 Words", and commit to write at least 500 words a day to complete my gameplan for the whole year. There's no topic, no limitations, no editing--JUST SHOW UP. Show up at your desk and actually write. I've been calling myself a writer, born writer, for so long. But I only published 26 blog entries last year, averaging 1 blog entry per 14 days. That's how seldom I write, which is good, but not good enough if I want to be near where I want to be. I have a goal, and I will give everything I can to make it happen this year.
What Do I Want to Thrive in My Life This Year?
That's the first question on the planner. And I will discuss my aspirations this year, one by one.
1. Travel
I finally have some savings to start travelling. Well, I really didn't want to travel much before for two reasons: fear and inconvenience. Unfamiliar places make me fearful and staying outside places I call home brings such inconvenience to me. This year, I WILL TRAVEL for the sake of new experiences and a life lived to the fullest. Coming out of my shell and onto the world is something I'd like to start doing this year. First stop, I'll climb my first mountain with college friends this month. Wish me luck!
2. Health
This year, I WILL BE FIT. I've been carrying these extra pounds far too long now. I won't say much here. Just come January 2015 and I will be 30-40 pounds lighter. So help me God!
3. Acceptance
Saying goodbye has long been a weakness of mine. I'm not saying I won't ever feel pain when it's time to say goodbye. I'm just saying that this year, I WILL NOT BE A CONTROL FREAK AND I WILL BE MORE ACCEPTING like I already know the reasons behind things. I want to believe endings are always for the better. Although when we feel the pain of goodbyes, it never makes sense, there is really sense in all of it. This year, I will accept changes, along with delayed or cancelled plans, inconveniences, and past mistakes I can do nothing about. Overall, I just want to be more accepting and a lot less controlling. I should know by now that I can't control everything. In fact, A LOT of things are beyond my control, and I just have to accept that fact.
4. Productive
Last but not the least, I WILL BE PRODUCTIVE. To be more specific, I want to hone my talents more and revive those I've completely abandoned. It's supposed to be easy, just show up and stop being a lazy ass. This world and life in general is full of inspirations. There's really no excuse to be unproductive. Life is moving, so should I.
Here's to celebrating changes and being focused to reach the finish line. Let's keep each other winning all months of the year!
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